Digital Marketing Services

Do you have a strong digital marketing presence?

Digital Marketing Services

MarketFire will be your start to finish digital marketing service agency complete with SEO, paid search, and social marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing Services

Custom Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is crucial to managing your brand awareness and acquiring new customers. Our services include website analytics and SEO to develop a data driven marketing strategy uniquely for your business. In addition we optimize your paid advertisements on Google Adwords, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, LinkedIn and Amazon to improve ROI. Each of our digital marketing services are dedicated to increasing your organic visibility and turning traffic into new customers.

MarketFire SEO Marketing Company

Search Engine Marketing (SEO)

Improved SEO is the best way to drive low cost traffic to the site. We'll preform a complete SEO site audit and develop a completely custom SEO strategy. Once we've optimized your website for your target keywords, we'll provide you with a complete keyword analysis to use when building content and paid advertisements.

Digital Marketing Services Website Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

There are simple ways that you can use social channels to engage with customers, increase your cliental, and market yourself as an industry leader in your area. There are more than 2.4 billion active users worldwide. 78% of the population in the US has a social media profile. 97% of all consumers aged 18-34 not only read online reviews, but use them to grade local business.

Digital Marketing Services Website Generate Reviews

Review Generation

Generate more 5 star reviews. We'll build a strategy to generate more reviews and build social proof around your business. It's more than simply asking your clients for a review, in fact Yelp and Google+ specifically ask that you don't solicit reviews. We'll help you build a strategy to get honest, positive reviews.

Digital Marketing Services Website Development

Web Development

What are digital marketing services without a quality website. A quality online experience could be the difference between acquiring a new customer or losing them to your competition. Our web development team builds entire websites or specific landing pages to enhance paid search marketing campaigns.

Utah Email Marketing Agency

Email Marketing

We'll develop email marketing strategies for you and help you along the way to develop high quality, expert content for your clients. High quality emails will increase traffic to your site and improve overall customer satisfaction. Don't worry, if your team doesn't have time to create emails, MarketFire will step in and get the job done.

Digital Marketing Services Creative Services

Creative Services

What are digital marketing services without a quality website. A quality online experience could be the difference between acquiring a new customer or losing them to your competition. Our web development team builds entire websites or specific landing pages to enhance paid search marketing campaigns.

Website Analytics

Your website analytics can tell us exactly what we need to change to increase conversion or simply make the site more user friendly. We'll get you set up on analytics and generate custom reports to highlight areas that need attention. Web analytics allows us to effectively implement all of our digital marketing services.

“Word-of-mouth plays an important role in most business marketing strategies. For mature businesses, it may be enough. However, if you’re in the growth stage of your business and word of mouth is your top source of new customers, it probably means you’re not investing enough in other marketing vehicles… especially search.” – Forbes