Digital Marketing Services: Paid Search Marketing​

Paid Search Marketing

Custom PPC Strategies Increase Traffic, Sale & Brand Awareness

Dominate paid search market share with high quality PPC advertisements. On average our clients increase paid search traffic my 85% without increasing ad spend.

MarketFire Paid Search Marketing | PPC Marketing Services

Paid Search Strategy

We work together with your team to identify keyword opportunities to increase brand awareness and website traffic generation. We focus on lower funnel keywords capturing customers closer to a purchasing decision. On average our clients increase paid search related traffic by 85%, ad impressions by 54% and reduce cost per click (CPC) by 73%.
MarketFire Digital Marketing Services

Custom Paid Search Marketing Strategy

Determine PPC Goals & Strategy

Determine paid search marketing objectives and advertising budget. We’ll build a custom strategy to drive the most paid traffic for your business.

Build PPC Campaigns

Complete overhaul of your paid search campaigns. Don’t worry, we wont mess with your old campaigns.

Landing Page Development

Landing pages helps improve quality score on your Google and Bing advertisements. We’ll build custom landing pages to improve quality score and decrease ad spend.

Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

As we build reports we will be able to see all our PPC success and where we continue to improve. 

There's a lot more where that came from, check out our

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